Computer Vision with Arduino-OpenCV

Controlling LEDs and Buzzers with Hand Gestures and RGB Color Recognition Using OpenCV and Arduino Uno


Welcome to this exciting project where we'll explore how to control LEDs and buzzers using hand gestures and RGB colour recognition. We'll leverage the power of OpenCV for computer vision tasks and the Arduino Uno for hardware control. This project combines software and hardware to create an interactive system that responds to visual inputs.

Components Required

  1. Arduino Uno: The microcontroller that will control the LEDs and buzzers.
  2. LEDs: Five LEDs (different colors preferred for better visualization).
  3. Buzzers: Two buzzers.
  4. Resistors: Appropriate resistors for the LEDs.
  5. Breadboard and Jumper Wires: For circuit connections.
  6. Camera: A webcam for capturing hand gestures and colors.
  7. Computer: For running OpenCV and interfacing with the Arduino.
  8. Software: Arduino IDE, Python, and OpenCV library.

Setting Up the Hardware

LED and Buzzer Connections

Connect the LEDs and buzzers to the Arduino Uno as follows:

  • Red LED: Digital pin 12
  • Green LED: Digital pin 11
  • Blue LED: Digital pin 10
  • Yellow LED: Digital pin 9
  • White LED: Digital pin 8
  • Buzzer : Digital pin 7

Make sure to connect the anode of each LED to the respective digital pin through a resistor (220Ω is typical) and the cathode to the ground. For the buzzers, connect the positive terminal to the digital pins and the negative terminal to the ground.

Arduino Code

Upload the following code to your Arduino Uno to establish serial communication between your Python code and Arduino: StandardFirmata

Setting Up OpenCV in Python

Installing Dependencies

Make sure you have Python and OpenCV installed. You can install OpenCV using pip:

pip install opencv-python

Hand Gesture Recognition

We'll use OpenCV to capture hand gestures and recognize specific gestures to control the LEDs and buzzers.

Colour Recognition

We'll also use OpenCV to recognize specific RGB colours and control the buzzers accordingly.

Python Code

Here's a Python script to capture video, recognize hand gestures, and send commands to the Arduino:

Hand_Gesture and Color Recognition

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