Police Light Fasher Using 555 Timer Components required: 2 x 555 timer IC Resistors: 1kΩ, 220Ω,10kΩ 3…
DUAL-LED FLASHER USING 555 TIMER IC. Components needed: 1. 555 Timer IC 2. Resistors: R1 (1K Ohm), …
Two-Way Arduino Traffic Light Controller. The components that are required are: 1. 6 LEDs (2 Red, 2 Yellow,2 Green)…
AIM: Design Doorbell Ringer using OR gate. To perform this experiment, we need the following. 1. Breadboard …
LED Distance Indicator using Ultrasonic Sensor (HC-SR04) and Arduino. In this toturial, we will learn about how to m…
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